뉴스_월명동 소식

The construction of the banquet courtyard in Wolmyeongdong the Natural Temple has begun

▲ The temple constructors work on constructing the banquet courtyard in Wolmyeongdong the Natural Temple.  

The scorching heat continues to get hotter without relenting for even one day. Today, the temperature reached 95 degrees, but since the development began on the 9th, the temple constructors of the Natural Temple have been so focused on the construction of the banquet courtyard that they haven’t been bothered by the heat.

In order to prevent any incidents that could be caused by the heat, Pastor Jung Beom Seok gave education on tips and provisions against heat waves and additional instructions for the construction to the workers.


▲ The temple constructors work on constructing the banquet courtyard in Wolmyeongdong the Natural Temple.  

Thirty overseas volunteers from Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, and other nations and ten domestic volunteers have been working together to develop this banquet courtyard.

During the construction under the hot weather, cold ice water was continuously provided to the temple constructors so that they could overcome the heat. From 1pm to 5pm, which is the peak time of the heat waves, the construction was paused for the workers to get some rest. In this way, they devoted all their power to safety at the site. Safety hats and safety belts can be neglected when it is hot, so the construction managers made sure all the workers were wearing their safety gear.


 ▲ The temple constructors work on constructing the banquet courtyard in Wolmyeongdong the Natural Temple.

We hope that there won’t be any victims from thermal conditions such as dehydration, heat strokes, and heat exhaustion, but that the construction will proceed well in grace.
